20 ans d'écart

20 ans d'écart 6.4

Alice Langdon (Virginie Virginie Efira) is a 38-year-old single mother who is beautiful and motivated, but she is boring in the eyes of her ex-husband, so she devotes herself to her work at the magazine. Alice was qualified to be the next editor-in-chief, but her boss and colleagues found her image too old-fashioned and stereotyped, so she was frustrated. Once on a plane, she ran into Baltazar (Pierre Nine Pierre Niney), a handsome young man who had just turned 20. When they were together, they were seen by their colleagues and misunderstood that she was in a fashionable brother-in-law relationship, so their attitude towards her also changed. Alice felt that the accident was the key to her promotion, so she took the initiative to seduce Baltazar, and the inadvertent encounter turned into a growing entanglement.