21 Years: Richard Linklater

21 Years: Richard Linklater 6.6

The 78-minute documentary, written and directed by Michael Dunaway and Tara Wood, takes Richard Linklater's 21-year career as the main clue, using a combination of live-action narration and animated scenes. What is noteworthy is that the film invited Ethan Hawk, Julie Derby, Keanu Reeves, Matthew McConaughey, Zack Efron, Billy Bob Thornton, Jack Blake, Kevin Smith, Mark Dupras, Jason Reitman and many other filmmakers who have worked with him to talk about their Linklater. What do these actors think of Linklater? Will they be sharper when they express their opinions to the camera than at other times? Ethan Hawk, the actor who has worked with him the most (up to seven times), said: "there is something special about him, which makes him unique." "before Sunrise" trilogy actress Julie Delby described him as smart and light to everything. Jack Blake even made an analogy: "he is Shakespeare hiding around us." Matthew McConaughey called him an "old-fashioned, stubborn Linklater."