5 Days of War

5 Days of War 5.6
  • Genre: ActionWar
  • Premiere: 2011
  • Running time: 1h 53m
  • Country: USA

The film tells the story of the conflict between Russia and Georgia in August 2008. the 2008 South Ossetia War was a war in Georgia in August 2008, fighting between Georgia's ZF and South Ossetia, which unilaterally declared independence, and its supporters Abkhazia and Russia. Since August 1, there have been several exchanges of fire between Georgia and South Ossetia. Georgia launched a full-scale military operation in the early morning of August 8 and quickly took control of more than 2% of South Ossetia, besieging its capital, Tskhinvali. Russian troops entered South Ossetia on the 8th and quickly took control of Tskhinvali on the 9th, and occupied Georgian territory and military bases outside South Ossetia in the following days. Under the mediation of international parties, Georgia and Russia signed the cease-fire agreement on the 15th and 16th respectively, Russian troops began to withdraw from Georgia on the 18th, and the war ended. As a result of the war, a total of 215 Georgian troops were killed and 1469 injured; 74 Russian troops were killed, 171were injured, 19 were missing and about 1600 South Ossetian civilians were killed.