8 Mile

8 Mile 7.2
  • Genre: Musical
  • Premiere: 2002
  • Running time: 1h 50m
  • Country: USA

Every weekend in Detroit in the winter of 1995, musicians would gather at a Hip-Hop club called The Shelter for one-on-one one-minute performances. Jimmy Smith (Eminem) is an alternative white among many black musicians. Although he is very powerful, he gets stuck every time he performs on stage, only getting a cheering laugh. In addition to facing up to the embarrassment of being bombarded off the stage by the booed crowd, Jimmy Smith had to deal with the embarrassment of living in a cramped trailer with his mother (Kim Bessinger) and his half-sister. And his mother's boyfriend, the parallel relationship between blacks and whites, his work and feelings, and so on, are also his pressure. He tries to break through the shackles of family and group, and uses music to express his anger and dissatisfaction with life, but the first thing he has to solve is to overcome his cowardice.