Ad Astra

Ad Astra 6.5

Mysterious phenomena have appeared one after another on Earth, and scientists have found that some out-of-control antimatter reaction is threatening the entire solar system, and human survival is extremely worrying. At a time of life and death on Earth, Roy (Brad Pitt), a talented aerospace engineer, is sent to outer space to try to solve the mystery and save mankind. This is a hard-core adventure across the earth, moon, Mars, Neptune and across the solar system. Roy faces unexpected tests such as explosions, meteorites, lunar car-racing shootouts, mysterious creatures, and so on. I also found my father who has been missing for 20 years. At that time, Roy's father (Tommy Lee Jones) left Earth to explore extraterrestrial intelligence, but the mission failed and disappeared into the vast universe. Now that father and son are reunited, Roy has discovered unknown secrets in the depths of space, gradually reaching the ultimate truth of all events.


