Akazukin, tabi no tochu de shitai to deau

Akazukin, tabi no tochu de shitai to deau

Netflix's upcoming Japanese film Little Red Riding Hood tells the story of Little Red Riding Hood turning into a detective to solve the mysterious case of Cinderella. This fascinating suspense novel was widely praised and nominated for the famous Japanese Book Merchant Award. The plot of the story is bold and imaginative. In a fascinating world of beloved fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood, as a brave protagonist, shoulders the mission of exposing the culprits of crimes. The famous director Koichi Fukuda is famous for his comedy I am Big Brother. The protagonist Little Red Riding Hood is voiced by Hashimoto Huenai, and she is very popular among young audiences, whether she is a beautiful heroine or a tough role in an action movie. Cinderella is voiced by Yuko Shinagi, a beautiful and mysterious character. Iwata is the voice of a cold and charming prince worshipped by women all over the country. This is a film of fantasy, comedy and mystery, depicting many dreams and adventures that have never been seen before, bringing the fairy tale world to the screen on an epic scale.