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Alien 8.5

In the future world, humans will be able to easily shuttle between stars and carry out commercial activities in space. Norsmo is one of many interstellar commercial transport ships operating in space. Once, when it completed its mission and returned to Earth loaded with space minerals, it suddenly received a set of strange signals. Since this might be a distress signal, the spacecraft received instructions to go to the source of the signal for search and rescue. After a period of flight, the spacecraft finally arrived at the place where the signal source came from. The crew found that there was indeed a crashed spacecraft here. However, after some searching, they found that the crew of the ship had long died and turned into fossils. At this time, Ripley, the third commander who remained on the Nosmo, had deciphered that the signal was not a distress signal, but a warning signal! The team members 'life-and-death struggle began!