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Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds

Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds 7.3

There are laws in the underworld. All dead people must go through seven trials within 49 days after death-in murder prison, laziness prison, deception prison, injustice prison, betrayal prison, violence prison, and Tianren prison. Only those who have passed seven trials and been acquitted will have a chance to gain a new life. Firefighter Jin Jinhong died unfortunately in a fire trying to save a girl. Hell emissaries Jie Yanmai and Dechun appeared in front of Jin Zihong. Although Jin Zihong could not believe his death, he was told seriously by Dechun that he was both a dead person and a noble person. At the entrance to hell, Jin Jinhong met Jiang Lin, another envoy who was waiting for him at the Chujun Gate. He is in charge of the two emissaries, Xie Ruanmai and Dechun, and will also defend Zihong in the seven trials he is about to undergo. It turns out that if the King of Hell allowed 49 dead people to pass through life within 1000 years, the three envoys could also be reincarnated into the mortal world. They believe that the 48th deceased, Jin Zihong, the noble man who has appeared in the past 19 years, can successfully regain his life. However, in various hells, Jin Jinhong's past appeared one after another. It turned out that this noble person still had "secrets that cannot be told."