America: Imagine the World Without Her

America: Imagine the World Without Her 5.5

At the beginning, it reproduces the classic scenes of the War of Independence and assumes where the United States will go if Washington dies in the war. In the long-standing concept, the United States, as the only superpower in the world, has become an ideal country for the people of the world, while the American Dream helps generation after generation of ordinary people to succeed and their dreams come true. But the gorgeous America has original sins that can never be washed away. Stealing land, stealing labor, stealing resources and so on are the strongest accusations made by many scholars and civilians against this aggressive empire. Through interviews and historical materials, the film's director Dinesh D'Souza tries to overturn the biased allegations, pointing out that it is Obama, Hillary Clinton and the minority with vested interests behind them that really shattered the American dream. Which is right and which is wrong, maybe it's just another game of House of Cards. Dinesh D'Souza is an Indian-American who directed the documentary 2016: Obama's America in an attempt to influence the 2012 election.