Analyze That

Analyze That 5.9

The film introduces that the 1999 film "Analyze This" performed miracles at the box office, earning $1.7 million at the box office. The story of this film continues the last episode. The eldest Paul Vetty (Paul Vitti, played by Robert de Niro, Robert De Niro) is about to expire his sentence in New York's Xinxin prison. But the FBI agents in charge of spying on him are confused. Recently, the most notorious mob boss in New York has been walking nervously up and down his cabin day after day, occasionally singing a theme song from the film "West Side Story." Did Vetty have a nervous breakdown because his rival family issued death threats to him again? Or do you want to leave the prison as soon as possible with his strange behavior? Federal agents are confused, Vetty's former psychiatrist Ben Sobel (Ben Sobel, Billy Crystal, Billy Crystal) is also called in, after the examination is also unknown. The last time Sobel treated Vetty.

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