Astro Boy

Astro Boy 6.3

In the future, as a result of the loss of his beloved son, talented scientist Dr. Tenma (voiced by Nicholas Cage Nicolas Cage) created the robot Astro Boy (voiced by Freddy Hemer Freddie Highmore) as a substitute for his son to find comfort. Although Astro Boy has the emotions and memories of his doctor's son, advanced programs are constantly improving his emotions and making him compassionate. However, the doctor could not accept the pain of losing a child, could not treat Astro Boy correctly, and abandoned him because he thought he was not human. Astro Boy was reduced to a homeless homeless child, and was wanted by the military, and was eventually caught. The military asked Dr. Tenma to remove Astro Boy's energy and turn it into energy equipment for military robots. At the last minute, Dr. Tenma suddenly woke up and helped Astro Boy escape. In the face of the military encirclement and interception, Astro Boy rose up and rebelled, and finally a shocking war was about to break out. In the process of continuous travel, Astro Boy also gradually grew up, he also accepted the design of the combination of machinery and human beings, and shouldered the important task of the life and death of all mankind.