
Atlas 7.4

Walter Shore, 60, is a porter in a demolition company and the most diligent and loyal employee in the demolition company owned by his boss, Roland Groan. Mr Grohn planned a demolition involving family money laundering in which residents of downtown apartment buildings would be evicted and resold at a huge profit. However, one of the last remaining residents refused to leave his home. Walter was surprised to find that the stubborn young man was the son he had abandoned decades ago. Walter did not claim to be his long-lost father, but he tried to get close to the family of his adult son Young and Young. When he realized the danger of Gronn and the business, he was already in it. He tried to help Young stay away from danger, but failed. In order to help his son and himself out of trouble, he has to face not only his evil boss, but also his past.


