Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike

Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike 5.4

Compared to Atlas shrugged: the first film, the film not only hired Duncan Scott as the screenwriter, but also changed the actors and told the story of the strong woman Danitagot. In a family inheritance Taggart railway company, the current president is the family eldest son James Taggart, and the vice president is Dagney Taggart. The ideas and methods of the brother and sister in order to save the precarious operation of the company can be said to be poles apart. One just grumbled about some investment in Mexico's San Sebastian spur line without detailed evaluation, but did not put forward the slightest planning and implementation plan. Often look at things and denigrate others with the mentality of sour grapes that can't see others succeed. The other said, "I am like a hungry crazy, to find anyone who can do things well!" In order to save the Taggart Railway Company, to work hard with Eddie Willers and burn the plaster to replace the dial, to successfully complete the Rio Norte railway branch line, to cooperate with Hank Reardon of Reardon Steel, and to use the new alloy newly invented by Reardon as the railway track, it was unexpectedly that the successful construction of the Rio Norte railway branch line was another unfortunate beginning. The world economy is deteriorating further and the unemployment rate has reached.