
Be-seu-teu-sel-leo 6.1

Bai Xixiu (Yan Zhenghua), who lives in Seoul, is a beautiful writer with boundless scenery, but she fell into plagiarism at her peak and never recovered, dealing a heavy blow to her career and family. After two years of silence, Xixiu's spiritual world almost collapsed. Editor Cui, a good friend of the publishing house, did not want to see her continue to sink, so he encouraged Xixiu to go to the mountain villa in Xinqingbei to continue writing. Taking the advice of a friend, Xixiu took her daughter Yanxi to the villa. But she soon found that the atmosphere in the villa was very strange, and Yanxi always seemed to be talking to an invisible girl. Extreme fear and uncontrollable curiosity prompted Xixiu to explore the secrets of the house and write it into the novel. Soon, Xixiu's new book, the Abyss, was published and became a bestseller on various lists, but it fell into plagiarism again. Xixiu didn't want to believe this fact, so she decided to return to the villa and thoroughly uncover everything that had been covered up decades ago.