Big Momma's House

Big Momma's House 5.1

FBI agent Ma Gang (Martin Lawrence Martin Lawrence) is smart and capable, repeatedly solving strange cases, and his magic weapon is his superb camouflage skills. No matter who he is, he is confident that he can play a lifelike role. The new case is in front of Ma Gang. A bank robber in Georgia runs away with a lot of money. Ma has just been ordered to arrest him. The only clue is the robber's girlfriend Sydney (played by Nia Lang Nia Long). In order to get close to Sydney, Ma Gang performed his transformation stunt, turning into Sydney's long-lost aunt, a "mother" weighing more than 200 pounds. Ma Gang's stunt is amazing, after the incarnation changed appearance, successfully close to Sydney. However, after getting along for a long time, Ma Gang found that he fell in love with Sydney, which might have participated in collecting stolen money, and what was more fatal, the real aunt appeared on the stage.