Blind Chance

Blind Chance 8.0
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1987
  • Running time: 1h 54m
  • Country: Poland

In Poland in the 1980s, Whitaker (Boguslaw Linda), a young intern at a medical school, was eager to take a train to another city. When he got to the station, the train had already started. Whitaker struggled to catch up, and fate divided into three tributaries. In the first kind of fate, he caught the train and met an old party member on the train. When the two knew each other, the old man encouraged and introduced Whitaker to join the party and became a government worker; the second fate was that he missed the train because the police in the station blocked him, so he was thrown into prison, where he met a rebel who was more active in the underground resistance movement in the future; the third fate was that he missed the train, but happened to meet his former female classmate, who fell in love with each other and married, and lived a seemingly happy life. The film won the Best Actor (Boguslaw Linda) and Silver Lion awards at the 1987 Polish Film Festival.