Body Bags

Body Bags 6.1

The film is divided into three stories, John. Carpenter shot the first two, Toby. Hu Bai filmed the last story. Carpenter himself vividly plays the old corpse in charge of storytelling morgue throughout the film, and his humorous performance is absolutely professional. He told the story of a dead body, a pile of rotten meat and an eyeball in the morgue. The first part of the "gas station" story is set at a gas station in the middle of the night. There have been several murders targeting women in a certain part of a city recently, and the new trainee female college student in charge of the night shift at the gas station has become the new prey of the killer. The second part "hair" the hero's hair loss is becoming more and more serious, so he has to find ways to increase his hair to maintain his charm and self-confidence. So he went to the doctor who had repaired the necrotic skin according to the TV advertisement. The next day, his hair took on a new look, but strange things followed. The third part, "eyes", tells the story of a baseball player who was in a car accident and went blind in his right eye. The hospital used a deceased's eyeball for transplant. After recovery, baseball players often saw terrible visions. After investigation, they knew that his eyeballs came from a psychopathic killer, and his own behavior began to become more and more.