Body Snatchers

Body Snatchers 6.0

Terrorist incidents occurred one after another in a military base. Alien creatures were invading human bodies and brains in large numbers while people were sleeping, and then destroying human beings... Mattie and her brother followed her father, who was engaged in environmental protection, to a military base to investigate the chemical pollution there. The situation, and the terrible things came one after another. As soon as she entered the base, Marti thought that the people there were weird. It turned out that this base had been occupied by a creature from outside the world. They invade people's bodies and brains while they are sleeping, turning them into living dead people, and attempt to occupy all military bases. and then destroy mankind. Marti's parents and brother were killed one after another by alien creatures. Mattie escaped the base with the help of pilot Tim and blew up the truck carrying alien creatures to other military bases on the way. But who other than the two of them would believe this experience?