Carmen Jones

Carmen Jones 6.9

The Spanish gypsy girl, who is called Acacia, turns a blind eye to the ethics of the world, thinking that love is an unfettered bird, and even if the lover takes her life, she cannot take away her free and unruly heart. Carmen, written by the 19th century French novelist Melemie, is world-famous for her charm, permeated with unconscious female emancipation, and is one of the most mythical female characters in the West. Joey Fu was allowed to enter the flight official school. Cindy Lu, his childhood girlfriend, went to the camp to meet and planned to apply to the commander for permission to marry. However, Carmen made trouble in the logistics department. Petty Officer deliberately sent Joey to escort Carmen to the town court. Joey had to stay in Cindy Lu; along the way, Carmen seduced, loyal Joey was finally confused by Carmen's beauty and smart point, Carmen took the opportunity to escape, Joey was sentenced to prison. Missing Carmen day and night, he visited Carmen as soon as he got out of prison and did not report back to school. In order to protect Carmen from being flirted by the sergeant, he injured the officer and was forced to become a deserter and Carmen fled to Chicago. Carmen was haunted by boxing champion Hesky Miller with beauty, and Carmen persuaded Carmen's girlfriend to fall into his arms. Carmen divined that Joey would kill him, determined to get rid of it, and hoped for him.