Chang Zheng

Chang Zheng 7.5

In 1934, the fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province failed. In order to preserve its strength, the Central Red Army was forced to make a strategic shift. After arduous fighting, the Red Army broke through the three lines of defense of the Kuomintang army and approached the Xiangjiang River. The enemy took advantage of natural dangers to increase its troops and set up a fourth line of defense. The Red Army was in a dangerous situation. Li De, one of the top three-person core leadership group at that time, was a military consultant sent by the Communist International. Regardless of the disparity in strength between the enemy and the enemy, he blindly wanted the Red Army to face the enemy head-on and fight to the death. Without military power or leadership position, Mao Zedong analyzed the current situation and proposed to avoid the actual situation, get rid of the enemy's main force, and go to Guizhou, where the enemy's strength is weak. This was approved by most members of the Politburo. In January 1935, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau in Zunyi, Guizhou, which ended the wrong line of "Left" adventurism within the party, co-elected Mao Zedong as a member of the Political Bureau, and established Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Zhou Enlai as the leadership core. From then on, under Mao Zedong's correct judgment and command, the Red Army crossed Chishui four times, distracting the east and west, moving the enemy, successfully passed through the Yi areas, and advanced north. On the Long March, the Red Army forcibly crossed the Dadu River, climbed snowy mountains, and crossed grasslands, overcoming unimaginable difficulties. Many lesbians...

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