Chokugeki jigoku-ken: Dai-gyakuten

Chokugeki jigoku-ken: Dai-gyakuten 6.1

In order to help people with disabilities, the wife of the honorary president of the International Charity Conference brought the diamond "Pharaoh Star" worth 600 million yen to come to the exhibition in Japan. During this period, the gems were stolen and Mrs. Kaufman's daughter was taken. Insurance company president Zhongshu Gongwei (Dan Bozelang) asks the former police director Lan Shan (Ikebu Liang) to help find the whereabouts of diamonds and girls. Lanshan regroups Falcon Meng (Sato Yun), Sakuro Ichiro (Takeshi Township) and Kaga Ryuichi (Chiba Shinichi), following Mrs. Kaufman's secretary (Minghuhong) up the mountain to pay a ransom of 600 million yuan. The bandits took the ransom and returned their daughter, but the Pharaoh Star was nowhere to be seen. The trees, who lost a total of 1.2 billion yen, secretly investigated Mrs. Kaufman and learned that her wife was secretly colluding with the gang to defraud compensation. So the trio set out again to steal the "Pharaoh Star" that was not lost.