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Coach Carter

Coach Carter 7.3
  • Genre: Sport
  • Premiere: 2005
  • Running time: 2h 16m
  • Country: USA

"Coach Carter", also known as "Iron and Blood Coach" and "The Winter of the Cowboy Class", is based on the true story of high school basketball team coach Ken Carter. The Richmond High School basketball team had never won in any game and was a team that had lost many times. All this was done by Coach Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) changed after coaching. He believed that this team could become the best basketball team under his leadership, so he asked the players to sign an agreement with him that they would not continue to participate in any games if the team was not united or did not perform well. Under his leadership, this team began to move uphill and finally became an invincible champion. But at the 1999 national championship, the players 'performance was so unsatisfactory that Coach Carter was frustrated that he actually closed the training hall and banned the team from participating in any games. This move aroused great repercussions. He became the focus of public discussion for a while. Some people praised his character of viewing basketball as life, but more people expressed confusion and even criticized his actions.



