Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs 6.7

Jay is the young master of a wealthy family in New York, who loves music and has a free personality. When traveling to Paris, he stopped at an orphanage because his car broke down and happened to see Judy taking care of a group of children. Judy offered a scholarship to send Judy to Massachusetts University in the United States. He promised to provide it under an alias, not to contact the girl, and only asked to write a letter once a week. Judy happily accepted the kindness of the guardian and started a new college life. Jackie soon forgot about it until his secretary, who was moved by Judy's letter two years later, reminded him to read it. After reading the thick letter, Jay couldn't wait to find an excuse to see Judy. [the story deviates greatly from the original novel, and Judy's specialty seems to have changed from writing to singing and dancing]

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