Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls 5.0

In American legend, children have to put the replaced teeth under the pillow, and when they fall asleep, the tooth fairy will come and take the teeth. If the children accidentally see the face of the tooth fairy, they will be brutally killed. Little boy Kyle (Joshua Anderson) has just lost his last baby tooth, and the legend of the tooth fairy scared him to sleep. That night he suddenly woke up from his dream and saw the hideous face of the Tooth Fairy wearing a mask. When he ran away, he knocked over the candle and the flames caught the Tooth Fairy's eyes. The next tragedy occurs when Kyle's mother (Rebecca McCauley) is brutally killed by the angry tooth fairy. The next day the police surveyed the scene and unanimously concluded that Kyle was the mother's killer. Twelve years later, Kyle (Joshua Anderson), who leaves prison in Las Vegas Peninsula, takes candles with him wherever he goes, and the room where he sleeps must be brightly lit at night. Everyone thought he was crazy, but Kyle knew that the bitter tooth fairy had been plotting to take his life all the time for more than a decade.