Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace 5.6

The kid next door is a children's comedy that makes people laugh. The film is based on a famous American best-selling comic strip, the film crew is the original crew of the film "Kids in charge", played by American child star Mason Gamble as Adan. Adan had nothing to do all day, and Mr. and Mrs. Weizogi next door became his most playful object. With his "Hi, Mr. Wilson", his partner in the film, the old neighbor, Mr. Wilson, is going to suffer all the pain of Adan. Of course, although Dan is naughty, he is also very clever. when he meets the bad guys who run to the town, he wit up against the bad guys. Once, both Adan's parents needed to go out, and Mrs. Weizuozhi promised to take care of Adan instead, but Adan made a mess of the Wei family's party, so he left late at night, and the thief waited for a chance to enter the house and steal Wei's gold coins. Unexpectedly, the clever Adan played a clever trick to tie up the thief and returned the gold coin to Mr. Weizuozhi.