Der Hund von Blackwood Castle

Der Hund von Blackwood Castle 6.2

After his death, Captain Wilson left behind a castle, Castle Herring. The captain's 22-year-old daughter Jane. Wilson came to the castle to take care of the affairs, and his father's family lawyer Robert. Jackson said the captain had agreed to sell the castle for 10000 pounds, but Jane. Wilson refused to recognize the power of attorney. It is strange that the visiting guests are still interested in an old pub nearby. What is even more frightening is that people are constantly being bitten to death by a black dog with braces in the wilderness and swamp near the castle. And Jane. A poisonous snake was also put on Miss Wilson's bed! The man in charge of the castle basement is Klimsby, a Cyclops. He keeps some poisonous snakes. He extracted the deadly venom from the serpent's teeth and placed it in braces on the fangs of a black dog. What on earth is all this all about? It all became clear when Wilson's ex-wife, the last heir to the castle, Catherine arrived at the castle. After an investigation, Sir John found that Fairbanks, Nelson and Tucker, who were killed in the castle, were all on board Captain Wilson's steamer PRESENT MONRO.