Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter

Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter 6.6

On a sunny day, Conan (voiced by Gao Yamanan), Xiaolan (voiced by Yamazaki and Jianai) and friends of the juvenile detective team accompanied Richard Moore (also voiced by Oyama) to Osaka to take part in the local "High School Student Gaoyue Cup" 100 songs contest. During that time, they also met each other's good friends Hattori Heiji (voiced by Horikawa Liang) and Kirsten Thomas (voiced by Yuko Miyamura). In the middle of the game, a warning letter of the explosion was sent to the TV station, and the police moved quickly to organize the evacuation. In the middle of the evacuation, the explosion suddenly occurred, resulting in Pingji and Heye being trapped in the building. After a series of confusion, the body of a person related to the Gao Yue Cup suddenly appeared in front of the public. The blurred case once again caught Conan's attention. This film is based on Aoyama Gangchang's super popular comics and is the 21st film version of the famous Detective Conan series.