
Detroit 7.4

The hurt Locker (The Hurt Locker) and Zero Dark Thirty director Catherine Bigelow (Kathryn Bigelow) are about to work with hurt Locker screenwriter Mark Boal again to make a film about the black riots in Detroit in 1967. The film currently has no title, and it is planned to start casting in March and start shooting this summer. The black riots in Detroit in 1967 were one of the most destructive racial riots in American history when police entered a tavern in the ghetto in the early hours of July 23 to arrest blacks. The law enforcement action caused dissatisfaction among blacks, who threw stones and bricks at the police when they heard the news. Later, police reinforcements arrived and forced to disperse the blacks, but on the contrary, more and more blacks gathered and eventually caused a large-scale uproar throughout the city. The riot lasted five days, killing 43 people, destroying many buildings and injuring many others. Riots also spread to Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee and Maryland. The film is scheduled to be released in 2017, the 50th anniversary of the riots.