
Dheepan 7.2
  • Genre: Crime
  • Premiere: 2015
  • Running time: 1h 55m
  • Country: France

The film tells the story of Sri Lanka, where the civil war is coming to an end and countless refugees are waiting to leave the war-torn land. To make it easier to apply for political asylum, a young woman, Yalini (Kalieaswari Sriniv), a former Tamil Tiger fighter Dipan (Jesu Sassan Antoni Sassan) and a 9-year-old girl who lost her parents, Elia (Claudine Vinasitha), pretend to be a family and start a new life on the outskirts of Paris, France. Dipan found a job as an apartment manager in this pauper-populated suburb. Yalini, who doesn't speak French, also works as a housekeeper in a family, while her "daughter" Elijah goes to a nearby school. Life seems to be taking a turn for the better, but the suburbs of Paris, full of violence, drugs and crime, are not destined to be the pure land of their peaceful life. When fate is irreversible, Dipan has to use the means he is most familiar with. Guard this "family" made up of three strangers.