The story is set in the southern United States in the 1970s. Nathan (Stepan Bender Stephan Bender) is a smart but introverted teenager who unfortunately grew up in a violent family. In order to escape from reality, he fantasized that a child named Roy next door was his best friend. Then the Nathan family moved to another city, and a boy named Roy (Max Milan Rogge Maximillian Roeg) became his neighbor. Roy was a year older than Nathan, and the two became acquainted with each other and eventually had a relationship. One night, Nathan's father started assaulting him when he was drunk, which was obviously not the first time. Nathan was also roughed up by his classmates when he was camping at school. Perhaps the death of the body is a kind of relief, and only the soul swallowed in the dream can obtain absolute freedom and peace? "Dream Boy" was shortlisted for the panoramic unit of the 58th Berlin Film Festival. The film is based on the writer Jim Grimsley's Stonewall Literature Award-winning novel of the same name.