
Dumplin' 6.5

Will Odin (Danielle McDonald Danielle Macdonald) is a slightly fat girl who is nicknamed "dumplings". Will Odin's mother Rosie (Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Aniston) used to be the local beauty queen and has been enthusiastically planning every beauty pageant. Rosie, who is middle-aged but still elegant, makes will Odin feel more inferior about his appearance and figure, and the mother and daughter often quarrel about this kind of thing. Will Odin decided to make trouble in the beauty pageant planned by Rosie and signed up bravely. Then, in a bar, will Odin met Dolly, the drag queen (Hello Perrineau Harold Perrineau Jr. (acted the role of), Dolly saw the secret of the girl's heart, so he decided to help will Odin and make her a better person.