Ensayo de un crimen

Ensayo de un crimen 7.6

Another more sensational title of the film, "the sinful Life of Della Cruz," sounds like another film that stimulates the senses with crime and murder, but it is actually a parody of the titles of popular journals, and the content of the film is very different. Cruz, a wealthy son, was cursed by an illusion of cause and effect when he was young: when he shook a music box, the governess he hated died in a stray bullet. When he became an adult, he ran into a childhood music box again, and the people around him died one by one according to his hallucinatory picture. He became a criminal without crime. The film is a masterpiece by Master Bunuel in the middle of his creation, but it has long been regarded as his second-rate work, lacking early sharpness and late sarcasm, but it is later re-evaluated as one of the master's most charming masterpieces.