Faces of Death

Faces of Death 4.1

A collection of death scenes, based on TV material and 8cm film shot by the family. What they have in common is that they die in some way. This is a documentary film made by coroner Francis B. Gauss. He tried to show us what people look like when they die. The film is a mix of fake images of people being killed and footage of an actual accident, as well as beheading (in Arab countries) and sitting in an electric chair. One scene shows a group of tourists smashing the head of a monkey in Egypt and eating its brains while it is still alive. And filming animals eating humans raw and desecrating corpses. The film also includes how to deal with an alligator that strays into a restricted area. The local sheriff tried to release the crocodile into the sea in a small boat, but unfortunately fell into the water as their bait. The film ends with a collection of people jumping off buildings and major accidents. At first, the film tries to analyze a fate that none of us can escape. But it soon became one of the most controversial and critical best-selling documentaries in home videos. Parents try to stop it, video stores have to hide it, and millions of people across the country are looking for opportunities to peek at it. As long as they have the courage. Know.

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