
Gainsbourg 6.9

The biography of the King of Song, a biography of French singer Serge Gansbu, began filming in Paris on the 19th, directed by Euan Shifa, a cartoonist known for his brilliant ideas. The film, the first French dialogue film produced by Hollywood Universal Studios, has a shooting period of 13 weeks and is scheduled for release in 2010. The Legend of the King of Song is another high-profile biographical blockbuster after Life of the Rose and Chanel, the artistic pioneer. The film will start with a Jewish boy named Lucian Kingsbury on the streets of Paris during World War II, showing how he became a singer in the 1960s and his emotional entanglements with then sexy idols such as Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin. Gansbaugh died in 1991, and his daughter Charlotte Gansbury is also a popular French actress. French actor Eric Elmosenino will play Gansbury, Brigitte Bardot starred by supermodel Lattiya Costa, and British girl Lucy Gordon was chosen to recreate the unique style of Jane Birkin when she was young. In addition, Melanie James Panomi plays Gansbury's last partner in life, Bambou, and Anna Mogulis and Sarah Fristie play him respectively.