This film tells five stories of the Italian mafia Gomorra: the 13-year-old boy Toto (El Abruz Salvatore Abruzzese) is black and gradually depraved; Marco (Marco Markle Marco Macor) and Hiro (Hiro Pachong Ciro Petrone) are bent on domination and end up dead in the street. Wife Maria (Mariana Brown Maria Nazionale) is jailed because her husband is involved in gangs. She entrusts her children to gang partner Frank (Tony Severo Toni Servillo); Don Hilo, a gang veteran accountant (Gianfaris is played by Barado Gianfelice Imparato), dies because he betrays his friends; Parigaz, a tailor in a gang textile mill (El Camdrup Salvatore Cantalupo), is on fire because he teaches Chinese. The film won the 61st Cannes Best Picture jury Award.