Heartbreak Ridge

Heartbreak Ridge 6.8

Tom Hayway, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, was one of the longest serving Marines in 1983. He fought in the Korean War and the Vietnam War, and won the Medal of Honor in the heartbreak of the Korean War. The first platoon of elite troops needs the second platoon to cooperate with military training, and Haiwei's task is to rectify the discipline of the second platoon. He contemptuously called the recruits in the second row "ma'am," while the unconvinced recruits often prevented him from coming down, and Haiwei's private life was not smooth: his wife, Haji, who worked as a waitress near the barracks, divorced him, and Heyway wanted to get back together with her. But Haji flatly refused. The unhappy Haiwei quarreled with his ex-wife's new boyfriend and movie download female boss. During the exercise, the second platoon trained by Haiwei defeated the first platoon, and the soldiers were impressed. Later, when Haiwei led the second platoon to successfully rescue American citizens trapped in Grenada and received a warm welcome during his triumphant return, Haji changed his mind and made up with Haiwei.