
Hinokio 6.4

A car accident took the life of Satoshi Iwamoto's mother, and Satoshi Iwamoto (Honda) was also disabled, living in an autistic small world, and even going to school became a burden. The father loved his son so much that he developed the robot H603 to keep him company. Satoshi Iwamoto simply remotely controlled the robot and asked him to go to school instead of him. H603 came to school and was curious about the things around him. His classmates called him "cypress man". Satoshi Iwamoto uses computer technology to cope with all kinds of real-life situations on the Sibai people. Cypress people know Chun (many Weihuazi)-an overbearing and handsome girl, Satoshi Iwamoto began a tacit understanding with Chun through the Sibai people. But a terrible rumor destroyed the relationship between Satoshi Iwamoto, Sibai and Chun. Whether the Sibai people can get out of danger, whether Satoshi Iwamoto can get the redemption of the soul, get out of the psychological shadow, things are full of variables.