In a Year with 13 Moons

In a Year with 13 Moons 7.5

The story takes place in Germany in 1978. Irving (Volcker Spengler Volker Spengler) used to be a young man in his prime. After a thrilling sex change operation, there is no more Irwin in the world, only a girl named Avera. Avera does such extreme things for a man named Anton (Goffred John Gottfried John), who used to be her lover, but now, when Avera finds Anton again, Anton's indifference breaks her heart. Anton not only pretends not to know Avera, but also has a relationship with her good friend Zola (Ingrid Calvin Ingrid Caven), which makes Avera unacceptable. Avera returned to his wife Irene (Elizabeth Trishna Elisabeth Trissenaar), hoping to return to her family, but was rejected by her wife. Life suffered one after another, Avera completely lost the confidence and courage to live, and death became the only choice.