Jû-nen: Ten Years Japan

Jû-nen: Ten Years Japan 5.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2018
  • Running time: 1h 38m
  • Country: Japan

Ten years Film Studio pointed out that it was Yuki Takami, Yongzi Mizuno, Jason Gray and Miyuki Fukushima who worked with producers to select five Japanese directors to direct the new film. they were Keiko Ishikawa, Konosuke Kinoshita, Ai Tino, Chikawa Hayakawa and Akishi Fujimura. "Ten years of Japan" will describe the future of Japan, where pollution is suffocating, and at the same time it is plagued by an aging population, technology is still changing with each passing day, but it is no longer controlled by people, playing with people's morality and personal history, subverting human nature, and the ghost of war. Japan only sees a haze.