
Junior 4.6

Alex (Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger) and Dr. Larry (Danny DeVito Danny DeVito) have studied a new fertility formula, Antailing, which can greatly reduce a woman's risk of pregnancy. However, the drug has not been approved by the Federal Drug Office for human trials, so it has not been available on the market. The sponsor withdraws the money and equipment, but the two PhDs are placed under the female doctor Diana (Emma Thompson Emma Thompson) by Noah, a competitor and immediate boss. In order for their product to go on the market smoothly, Dr. Larry secretly combined the eggs that Diana was refrigerated in the laboratory to do experiments with Alex's sperm to form a fertilized egg, and persuaded Alex to implant a fertilized egg in his body. The world's first male conception was born! Alex began taking their product Antailing, and they planned to take it out when the fetus was three months old. However, as Alex took more Antailing, he began to show feminine characteristics in all aspects, and he began to make up his mind to give birth to the fetus.