The story takes place during the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan in the middle of the 19th century. With the support of the shogunate, Dongqing Temple in Kamakura can help women who suffer from their suffering marriages to successfully sever ties with their husband's family. On this day, the concubine of the unscrupulous businessman Horiya Sanlang Weimen (played by Mashima) and the blacksmith Aru (Huirika Toda), who was brutally exploited by her asshole husband (Makiji Takeda), came to Dongqing Temple, and met Shinjiro, the nephew of Yuanbingwei (tree wood Xilin), the owner of the imperial cedar house at the foot of the temple. Nojiro, a trainee, uses his medical skills to try to treat Aru's burns and hopes to record what happened to women and write a script. Women from different backgrounds came one after another, and they stood at the fork in life together. This film is adapted with reference to Inoue's novel "the Flower of the Temple".