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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 8.0

"Black Snake"(Uma Thurman) continues the unfinished journey of revenge from the previous episode. Inquiries learned that Bill's former bodyguard, Diamondback, lived in Austin, Texas after quitting. When she sneaked into the trailer where the "rattlesnake" lived at night, she was ambushed. The "rattlesnake" shot her in the chest and was drugged. The "rattlesnake" put the "black snake" into a coffin and buried it. At this time,"Black Snake" woke up and used the kung fu taught by her master, Taoist Bai Mei, to escape from the coffin. When she returned to the trailer where "rattlesnake" lived, she found that "rattlesnake" and another target,"California Snake", were trading the sword she carried with her. During the fight, the Parman snake released by the "California Snake" killed the "rattlesnake". "Black Snake" finally met Bill and revealed the truth that his entire family had been killed.