La règle du jeu

La règle du jeu 7.9
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 1939
  • Running time: 1h 50m
  • Country: France

Kristen (Nora Greg Nora Gregor) and maid Jesse (Ann main Anne Mayen) discuss the topic of friendship between men and women. The two disagree, but Kristen firmly believes in heterosexual friendship. Because she does have a blue confidant-pilot Julie (Roland Tauteng Roland Toutain). After accomplishing the feat of flying across the Atlantic at 23 hours, he became a national hero and openly expressed his feelings for Christine. Julie's friend Octave complained about this, so he told him not to cross the line at the party. The party is hosted by Christine's husband Robert (Marcel Dario Marcel Dalio), but she wants to elope with Julie, which makes Robert furious. Jesse's husband is hostile to his master's newly recruited housekeeper at the hunting ground, and when he sees his wife having an affair with him, a farce begins.