La soupe aux choux

La soupe aux choux 6.5

The story takes place in a small village called Kildiflo. With the rapid development of science and technology, people's life is becoming more and more convenient and fast. Even in remote villages, all kinds of electronic products gradually appear. In such an irreversible trend, Claude (Louis Fines Louis de Fun è s) and Francis (Jean-Camette Jean Carmet) are clearly different, advocating a natural pastoral life, doing everything themselves, and living a life of sunrise and sunset. The arrival of a group of aliens from Orkins broke Claude's quiet life, and the hospitable Claude warmly entertained the extraterrestrials. In return for Claude's kindness, they resurrected Claude's dead wife and made her look like she was twenty years old. As the pace of village construction and development approached, Claude and Francis' land would be expropriated. Unable to give up their natural life, they decided to follow the aliens and move to the planet Orkins.