Le fil

Le fil 6.7

Born in Tunisia and raised in France, architect Malik (Anthony Staley Wieswanada Antonin Stahly-Vishwanadan) returns to his hometown because of his father's funeral. In addition to her joys and sorrows, the mother could not help thinking about her son's life. However, Malik likes men-an open secret that has become the biggest obstacle between mother and son. When he falls in love with his mother's odd worker Bilal (Salim Keocher Salim Kechiouche), the head-on conflict is even more inevitable. Malik had a childhood nightmare. He always imagined that he had a white silk thread on him. The silk thread came from his mother, and the silk thread reminded him, restrained him, bound him, and made it difficult for him to move forward. However, he did not know that the white thread was also a link between affection and love. The film is very beautiful, and the fresh coast of North Africa is as beautiful as a picture. There is not too much negativity and gloom, love and affection are fiery and bright. Claudia Katina (Claudia Cardinale), who plays her mother, is an Italian national treasure actress who was named the 50 most beautiful people in the world when she was young. She vividly plays a sharp but soft-hearted, picky but tolerant mother. At the end of the film, Malik taught his son to swim.