Le voyage dans la lune

Le voyage dans la lune 8.1

The dean of the College of Astronomy (George Merry Georges M é li è s) put forward a wild plan to travel to the moon at a conference. He and five other daring astronomers supervised the production of artillery modules and cannons, and with the help of the army successfully landed on the moon in the shell module. After the excitement, six astronomers fell asleep on the surface of the moon, unaware that many stars were quietly watching them sleep. The last cold snowfall woke them up. The crowd hid in the cave but inadvertently disturbed the lunar man with umbrellas, so a panicked adventure began. This film is the first science fiction film, inspired by Jules Verne's novel "from the Earth to the Moon" and H G Wells's novel "the first Man to set foot on the Moon". The film was released in black and white and hand-painted in 1902, with a total length of about 14 minutes. The ending and the color version were once lost. In 1993, badly damaged color copies were donated by private collectors to the Film Archive in Barcelona, Spain; in 2002, the ending "triumphant return" was rediscovered in France. The film restoration program has lasted for more than ten years. In 2011, the fully restored color version of the film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.