Les enfants terribles

Les enfants terribles 7.1
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1950
  • Running time: 1h 45m
  • Country: France

The film is adapted from Jean Cocteau's autobiographical novel published in 1929, which tells the abnormal life of a brother and sister. They play games that seem excessive to outsiders, but it is necessary for them. After the newlyweds come into their lives, jealousy and deceit arise. Jean-Pierre Melville has directed the Lone Killer, the Red Circle and other famous films. He didn't come from a professional background because he liked to set up his own film production company and began to create. But at that time, he ignored the traditional way of production in the French film industry and attracted a lot of attention, especially by the poet Jean Cocteau. So Cocteau offered 17 million francs to direct his novel "the terrible Children," which turned out to be a great success and was hailed as the most talented newcomer in the postwar French film industry and the indirect forerunner of French trendy films. Elisabeth is very protective of her teenage brother Paul, who is injured in a snowball fight at school and h...