Les vacances du petit Nicolas

Les vacances du petit Nicolas 6.2
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2014
  • Running time: 1h 37m
  • Country: France

This film is a sequel to Naughty Nikolai, which swept France in 2009 and mobilized 5.5 million box office people. In this film, Nikolai goes on vacation with his parents and grandfather. Director Lauren Tillard pays tribute to French silent comedian Jacques Tarti ("Mr. Yullo's Holiday") with this film. Maxim Godal, who originally played Nikolai, was no longer fit to play a changed role when he grew up. As a result, the role was played by Matteo Posele. Bernadette Lafonte, who played the role of grandmother in the first film, died in July 2013 and will be replaced by Dominic Lafonette. Cade Maillard and Valerie Le Messier will once again play parents, Francois Xavier de Meson, Francois Damian and others will also take part in the film.