Like Grains of Sand

Like Grains of Sand 7.5

Akiji Ito (Yoshida Okada) and Hiroshi Yoshida (Yoshida Kusano) are classmates and good friends who study in the same class. in fact, the friar has always had feelings beyond friendship. He chose to hide this ignorant feeling in the bottom of his heart. Haozhi and his classmate Caizi Shimizu (Hishiko Takano) are in contact. Although Caizi's personality is gentle and cheerful, Haozhi always feels that there is a kind of alienation in their relationship. The original fruit sand (Hamasaki is acted the role of) acts as the "different" in the class, likes to walk alone, her maverick temperament gradually attracted Haozhi's attention. At the same time, the monk could no longer suppress his feelings and confessed to Haozhi. In the face of his friend's sincere confession, Hao did not know how to respond. Saji disappeared, and Hiroshi went to her hometown by the sea to look for her.