Little White Lie tells the story of Lacey Schwartz, who grew up in a typical upper-middle-class Jewish family in Woodstock, New York, with loving parents and a strong sense of Jewish identity-even though people around her were asking white girls why they were so dark-she believed her family's explanation was that she inherited her looks from her dark Sicilian grandfather. But when her parents suddenly broke up, her instincts began to tell her something different. At the age of 18, she finally came face to face with her mother and learned the truth: her biological father was not the man who raised her, but a black man named Rodney, and her mother was having an affair with her. Afraid of losing her relationship with her parents, Lacey did not publicly admit her black identity with the white family until her biological father died shortly before her 30th birthday. After the funeral, Lacey began to seek to reconcile the hidden parts of her life and heal her.